Day 7: Final Rounds

The morning of our last full day here started off the same as most of the others.  Those determined to attack the day again woke up to work out at 5:30 a.m.  The rest funneled in a little later for breakfast.  Sunrise was gorgeous and Gavin led us through devotions about how the love for our friends transcends disagreements (think about Paul and Mark’s relationship in the book of Acts).  Some of our team also were able to witness a plume of smoke from the volcano while he spoke.  Don’t worry, we paid attention to what Gavin was saying!

Next up, our team went to do the final set of rounds and PT before seeing the last set of patients depart around noon.  After that it was wrapping up at the hospital.

The majority of our team took the afternoon to explore Antigua a little bit.  Some of us grabbed lunch at Hector’s Bistro before splitting off to the market while others hiked the hill to the cross.  The doctors were able to stop in for a moment and talk to a group of local community leaders at a conference Faith In Practice was hosting.

Tonight, we enjoyed a beautiful sunset and had our last dinner here together while Dawana, Jaime, and Dr. Mike Berend each shared a heartfelt message.  Blessed doesn’t describe how this place has impacted us.  

With that said, Antigua has cemented itself in our hearts.  No one will come back completely the same as they left.  The people, the partnerships, the community, everything has meant so much.  We’re just thankful to play a role in helping and partnering with those here, and we’re thankful about how we left just as blessed by them.  A big shout out to our partners at Faith In Practice.  How amazing it is that even as we fly home, our partners here provide the continuity of care the patients need to recover.  We’re already looking forward to coming back!

God is good!

Now it's off to our rooms to pack up and get ready for traveling home tomorrow.  By the time you read this, most of our group will already be flying home.  We left in stages starting around 3:30 a.m. for the ride back to the airport.  We’re joyful, tired, and looking forward to seeing our loved ones.

Thank you for following along with us!


Day 6: Wrapping Up Surgeries